01.04.19 city girl country music at the hotel cafe
12.14.19 silverlake lounge tom petty tribute show
12.13.19 the hotel cafe main stage los angeles
10.25.19 stories books and cafe los angeles
09.30.19 the griffin los angeles
09.25.19 the love song bar los angeles
07.29.19 the griffin los angeles
06.12.19 harvard and stone los angeles
05.19.19 el cid with wild riot los angeles
03.09.19 hotel cafe los angeles
11.09.18 the satellite los angeles
09.22.18 highland park bowl los angeles
11.11.17 silverlake lounge los ángeles
10.14.17 lot 1 los angeles
08.28.17 silverlake lounge los angeles
06.24.17 rosenthal winery los angeles
11.20.16 the hotel cafe los angeles
10.07.14 el cid theater los angeles
05.04.13 el cid theater los angeles
03.26.13 the hotel cafe los angeles
12.13.12 silverlake lounge los angeles
09.26.12 silverlake lounge los angeles
08.05.12 the brainwash cafe san francisco
07.12.12 naya los angeles
06.28.12 room 5 los angeles
06.20.12 house of blues los angeles
06.17.12 backyard los angeles
05.26.12 the powder room los angeles
11.23.11 the hotel cafe los angeles
09.22.11 fais do do los angeles
03.23.11 harlem place cafe los angeles
07.25.10 room 5 los angeles